Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Long Overdue - An Interview with Ross Cheam

25/9 Rebrand Teaser

The Cocoon and The Sacrifice

The Goddesses - Floral Edition



The Goddesses

The Summer Workshops Showcase at Gallery Maison Bertaux

A showcase of artwork created from the Summer Workshops featuring this example Manga page:

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Summer Workshops

This Summer I will be hosting a Manga and Comic-book Techniques Workshop as part of the Hooligan Art Dealer and Gallery Maison Bertaux Summer Workshops.
For more info go to:

Monday, 1 April 2013

'Side Effects' #3, #4 and #5

Covers of the Final 3 Issues of 'Side Effects'...

Storyboard for GR Films

Au Contraire...

Just because you haven't seen an episode in quite a while does not mean that life on Roswell has stopped. Au contraire.

Just because I haven't posted any work in quite a while does not mean that life at RSJCheam HQ has stopped. Au contraire.

Monday, 25 February 2013