Friday, 7 November 2008

Here are examples of my Weekly Webcomics for

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Current Works - Fudge my Crunch

In response to the Credit Crunch, Fine artist; Emma Bridgeman and I have started a fashion protest by making clothes for going out from cheap/free everyday items.
So Fudge my Crunch and join the protest...


Ever felt like everyone is walking the opposite direction to you? Or felt like you're only ever looking in on what everyone else is doin?
It isn't just feeling like an outsider as those most popular or centre of attention can still feel an emptiness.

A nebulous hole in society...

In today's society everyone feels a certain sense of "going through the motions" and being somewhat cut off from day-to-day life. Always in search of moving toward something better, happier and stronger.

Holeism is a self-aware movement that realises that each person has something exciting and new to offer the world but all share that empty space. The growing fear of being "just holes".

Through the medium of art, whether it be painting (film, fashion, drawing or performance) we hope to express our personalities and ideals. This in turn fulfils us as people, bridges gaps in our society and means we ultimately make an enormous, penetrating effect on the world we live in.

Prove to the world we are not just holes, make a penetrating effect on it!

Current Work - How to Build a Clock

Previous Work - Dark Arts collection

Previous Work - Mermaid

Check out more videos and animations on

Previous Work - Byam Shaw

I did my Fine Art foundation at Byam Shaw, CSM. Below are examples of my work...

Current Projects

At the moment I'm in my first year of my Illustration degree at Westminster University, of which I will begin uploading photos of my coursework.
On top of this I am working for the gaming blog where I do a weekly webcomic - so check it out every Wednesday at 18:00!
I am also working with Vines of Duty to create illustrations to be used in the programme for this 2 night dance event chroreographed by Hakan Redjep.


My official blogspot has finally been set up! There's loads I want to set up on here so come back soon and check out all my work!